Our Lady of Not Taking It Anymore

In these times when we are feeling changes coming that threaten the core of our democratic system, let’s create community and organize our efforts to fight back. We are not alone. And there are MORE OF US! We just need to come together in any and every way we can. Start by uniting our community, and move to our counties, regions, and states until we create an unstoppable national effort.

Believe that goodness will prevail. When we elevate our vibration, we attract positivity. Together, we can attract the success we need right now. To raise our vibration of positive energy, practice mindfulness techniques like meditation, cultivating gratitude, surrounding yourself with positive people and experiences, engaging in activities that bring you joy, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, using positive affirmations, spending time in nature, and being mindful of your thoughts and words, actively choosing to focus on the positive aspects of life. 

In my small way, in my small corner of this world, I plan to create community around art making. So I am teaching a few workshops to get started. And half the proceeds will be donated to Maude Kerns Art Center so that others can share in the positive influences of art making.

Check this link to my workshop offering (or go to Worshops) and come build community and positivity with like-minded friends.


Holiday Workshop and Art Sale!

Well it’s that time again when I have my annual Holiday Art Sale! This year it is December 7 & 8 from 11-4. We have 10 creative artists showing their work this year! I hope you can stop by for some holiday cheer. It’s always fun to see everyone. (see the flyer below)

Plus, I am teaching another workshop at The Hive in South Pasadena (flyer below). When I visit my daughter down there, I bring my stuff and enjoy teaching at this special little venue. To register, Click HERE.

Holiday Art Sale Flyer

I will also be showing work at the annual Artists and Authors Fair on December 14th at the Fairgrounds in Eugene. The A&A Fair will be open from 10am-5pm. Each artist has an 8-foot table for their display. At the end of the day, we donate 25% of sales to the non-profit Lane Library League as a benefit for rural libraries. Stay tuned!

The Art of Bricolage Opens Feb. 23!

I could not be more excited about a show than this one! I did a proposal to Maude Kerns Art Center two years ago and was awarded a show using the entire gallery. I recruited 8 other artists from around Oregon who make art using recycled materials to join me in this exhibition. I am blown away by the work that each artist has created. I can’t wait for you to see it all!

Our show statement is all about sustainability and how we hope to raise awareness about creating less waste in the world by using our discards. To that end, I created a display for our show that includes The Guide to Used Goods which features more than 100 places in Eugene/Springfield to buy secondhand goods and materials. Some of the outlets even provided discount coupons for the display.

I sincerely hope that you will see this show if you live in our area!

Workshops at MECCA and Maudes

Here is our little poster for the workshops we are teaching at Maude Kerns Art Center and MECCA. Each place is registering their own workshops. I think the ones at Maude may already be filled but MECCA is just now being posted. So save your spot if you are interested is having a lot of fun in a workshop with some other like-minded makers! Live links for MECCA here:


Bricolage Workshops at MECCA and Maude’s

BRICOLAGE: 9 Artists Create With Recycled Materials

I submitted a proposal two years ago to Maude Kerns Art Center to have a show of work made from recycled materials and I recruited 8 other artists from around Oregon who are really good at it to join me. We will be filling the entire gallery with work of all kinds!


The artists include (each artist made one of the letters!):

Marjorie Taylor, Letter B, Textile Artist

Emily Pratt, Letter R, Tin Artist

Rogene Mañas, Letter I, Mixed Media Artist

Anna Bjornsdotter, Letter C, Textile Artist and Costume Designer

Dan Pillers, Letter O, Up-scaled Wood Sculptor

Esther Finch, Letter L, Collage Artist

Michael Whitenack, Letter A, Assemblage Artist/Wood Carver

Mavis Leahy, Letter G, Vintage Textile Artist

Stephanie Brockway, Letter E, Mixed Media Sculptor

PLUS! We are teaching a few weekend workshops in making art from recycled materials at Maude Kerns and at MECCA! Stay tuned for more about that.

Heading Into The Holidays!

Hi there and thank you for getting my blog post! I am just sending this notice because I have a few things coming up.

Paper Clay Demonstration at the Duck Store

This Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 1 & 2 from 11-4

See several artists demonstrating their crafts, and get 25% off all art supplies during Tools of the Trade Show at the corner of 13th & Kincaid, next to the UO.

My Annual Holiday Art Sale is coming up!

And then I am teaching a Paper Clay Ornament Workshop in South Pasadena at The Hive! Nov 30 & Dec 1, 9-1pm each day. If you are in the LA area, check it out! Click here for more info.

Long Time No See!

Hello to all who probably think I fell off the earth!

I have been laying low for the longest while because of family health issues and life events. But I am slowly coming back to life and art making! Thanks to those who came to my Holiday Sale this year and to all the artists that helped fill the walls. It was a great success and I saw lots of new and old friends.


I will have 3 pieces of art in a group show at the Eugene Public Library beginning on Monday, January 9. My art group, Out of Our Minds, currently has 17 members and 9 of us will have work in this show.

My pieces for this show are collage works I made to honor Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. I have never had the right place to show them until now. They tell the story of how most of these disappearances are not even being investigated. Unthinkable!

Check out the show if you are in Eugene.

• • • WORKSHOP IDEAS • • •

I am also thinking about teaching workshops again. Only this time they will be 3-4 people at a time and will be in my studio in Eugene. If you would be interested in participating in workshops in Eugene, please let me know and if i find there are enough people, I will set up some dates and send out an email. No obligation. I am just wanting to see how many people are interested. mail@rogenemanas.com

Hooray! Spring is Coming! And bringing Paper Clay Workshops!

It has been a long and lonely winter! But now, that the vaccine ahead of us, spring will bring much needed sunshine and some relief that things will start improving…but it’s not over yet!

Making art really helps keep the Covid blues away…so I decided to try my hand at teaching a ZOOM WORKSHOP through our wonderful Oregon Art Supply store here in Eugene. You can get more information and register at this link for the class: PAPER CLAY WORKSHOP VIA ZOOM I will also record the class and share the link after the class so you can refer back to it.


THURSDAY 3/11 and FRIDAY 3/12, 1:00pm-4:00pm

Register with the link above or at Oregon Art Supply, 1020 Pearl Street, Eugene. Or call (541) 683-2787

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And! I will be teaching an in person workshop this June 5 & 6 in the adorable town of Sisters, Oregon! My good friend and fellow artist Susie Zeitner will host this event at Z Glass Studio, outdoors in a covered area (mask required to be safe). We are providing most of what you need for the class, plus a gourmet boxed lunch each day. You can find more information and register for this class right here on my website. Click here for more information.

Western Tanager llr©rogenemanas.com.jpg
For this online class, you will get a few images ahead of time to choose from for your project. We will be making small works using small animals as subject matter. We will be finishing them in black and white, but at the end of the second day, I wi…

For this online class, you will get a few images ahead of time to choose from for your project. We will be making small works using small animals as subject matter. We will be finishing them in black and white, but at the end of the second day, I will demonstrate how to paint your piece in color using transparent paints. And Oregon Art Supply is offering a 20% discount for any materials you by when registered for this class. You can see the complete materials list at the link above. So take this class and get started using Creative Paperclay®. It is a fun, flexible and forgiving way to make art.


The weather is supposed to be nice…so we are opening up the studio for an Open-Air Holiday Art Sale! So bundle up and come on by!

2192 Agate St…Corner of 22nd and Agate…Look for the open garage door on 22nd.

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Art Sale and FREE Workshop!


Come to my neighborhood’s Holiday Art Sales. Three OPEN-AIR STUDIOS within walking distance. Plus I will have work by 7 other artists in my studio! So bundle up and stop in for some POST ELECTION fun!

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Curious Mondo is running my comprehensive paper clay class (9 hours of instruction) on Monday, October 26 starting at 8 am PT for FREE. It will only be free during the broadcast. Go to this link to register and learn how I do what I do: https://www.curiousmondo.com/dimensional-art-paper-clay-free



Let's Help Maude Kerns Art Center

In 1973, when I first moved to Eugene, I took a watercolor class at Maude Kerns, and was gifted a scholarship because I had no money. It changed my life. I had an instant community of fun-loving people who liked to make art. I became a volunteer, was inspired by all the talented people I met there, and have been a member ever since.

Now our beloved Maude Kerns Art Center is having a hard time remaining open and functioning since its main annual fundraiser, Art in the Vineyard, was canceled because of the virus. We need everyone’s help to preserve this wonderful community asset that brings the joy of art making to all of us through art shows, adult classes and workshops, lectures, movies, special sales, public events and especially their fabulous children’s art classes and camps.

Come celebrate the last of summer at ART IN THE COURTYARD
Saturday, August 29, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Mark your calendars to enjoy enticing local art in the great outdoors (in the parking lot and courtyard at 1910 East 15th Avenue). Pair the art with FREE wine, beer, and food donated by some of their favorite supporters—RainSong Vineyard, Ninkasi Brewery, Café Yumm, and Prince Puckler’s.
Celebrate and support Eugene’s amazing art community!
Suggested donation is $5 at the door.
All State of Oregon and OHA Covid-19 guidelines will be enforced, including strict social distancing rules.



I have been inspired by Black Lives Matter and created a folk art piece about it called “Reach.” I feel we all need to reach for each other with love in our hearts these days. I’ve made prints of this image I’d love to share with you. Come to Maude Kerns for Art in the Courtyard and get your FREE signed print on Saturday, August 29, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you have not been to Maude Kerns lately, come check it out.

Western Tanager lr©rogenemanas.com.jpg

Weekend Paper Clay Workshop "Feathered Friends" A benefit for Maude Kerns Art Center

Saturday and Sunday August 22-23, 2020    

Create bas-relief art using air-dried paper clay on boards. Learn new methods of self-expression in this fun 2 day workshop.

Using Creative Paperclay®,  you will learn to sculpt relief forms onto boards and make free-form pieces on the first day. The second day will be devoted to carving and sanding the air-dried pieces, then finishing them with acrylic paint and medium. The result is a rich, textural, wood-carved effect that will leave people wondering how it was made. 

This class is ideal for all levels of skill from beginner to advanced. Paper clay is a flexible and forgiving medium that will stir your creativity. We will be working from bird images because they make a great and simple form to work from for learning the techniques. Choices of images will be provided.

12 hours of instruction includes paper clay sculpting and finishing, plus basic acrylic painting techniques. Clay for each participant is donated by the Creative Paperclay® company and acrylic paint is provided by M.Graham & Co. A complete materials list will be available when registering for the class.

All proceeds for this special fundraiser will go to Maude Kerns Art Center.

Saturday and Sunday, August 22-23, 10-4:30 pm each day, with 1/2 hour lunch break.

Class will be held in the gallery at Maude Kerns Art Center, 1910 E 15th Ave, Eugene, OR 97403. Proper social distancing measures will be observed and masks are required.

$150.00 Members, 165.00 Non-members. Class size limited to 10 people

Call 541.345.1571 for more information or click here to register.

Summer Projects!



Join me for a super fun workshop and benefit for Maude Kerns Art Center!

When I moved to Eugene in 1973, I went to Maude Kerns Art Center to see about taking some art classes. I was a young single mother and had no funds. They gave me a partial scholarship to take a watercolor class, and I became a volunteer there. That gave me an instant community of fun people interested in art and I have been a member ever since.

Because of Covid-19, this year’s Art in the Vineyard festival was canceled, and so I am doing a fundraising workshop to benefit Maude Kerns and help replace some of the funds they would have raised at the event.

Weekend Paper Clay Workshop "Feathered Friends" A benefit for Maude Kerns Art Center

Saturday and Sunday August 22-23, 2020    

Create bas-relief art using air-dried paper clay on boards. Learn new methods of self-expression in this fun 2 day workshop.

Using Creative Paperclay®,  you will learn to sculpt relief forms onto boards and make free-form pieces on the first day. The second day will be devoted to carving and sanding the air-dried pieces, then finishing them with acrylic paint and medium. The result is a rich, textural, wood-carved effect that will leave people wondering how it was made. 

This class is ideal for all levels of skill from beginner to advanced. Paper clay is a flexible and forgiving medium that will stir your creativity. We will be working from bird images because they make a great and simple form to work from for learning the techniques. Choices of images will be provided.

12 hours of instruction includes paper clay sculpting and finishing, plus basic acrylic painting techniques. Clay for each participant is donated by the Creative Paperclay® company and acrylic paint is provided by M.Graham & Co. A complete materials list will be available when registering for the class.

All proceeds for this special fundraiser will go to Maude Kerns Art Center.

Saturday and Sunday, August 22-23, 10-4:30 pm each day, with 1/2 hour lunch break.

Class will be held in the gallery at Maude Kerns Art Center, 1910 E 15th Ave, Eugene, OR 97403. Proper social distancing measures will be observed and masks are required.

$150.00 Members, 165.00 Non-members. Class size limited to 10 people

Call 541.345.1571 for more information or click here to register.


Protect yourself! Stay home and stay healthy.

Protect yourself! Stay home and stay healthy.

I had a whole other post ready to go about all the things I am doing this spring. And now, everything has changed in a instant. So many people are suffering because of health or financial problems caused by this global pandemic that my problems feel insignificant.

All that said, I still am sad that my art opening and show at Guardino Gallery were canceled. But Donna, the gallery owner, is hanging the show in the gallery, and doing a VIRTUAL SHOW with the work online. SEE MORE BELOW!

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On Thursday, March 26th, I will be having a VIRTUAL ART SHOW with my friend and amazing wood-carving artist Stan Peterson at Guardino Gallery in Portland (the gallery closed and the opening is cancelled) But ONLINE, we are are showing collections of narrative work, which for both of us means art that makes a statement or tells a story.

We both love folk art and outsider art, and you will see that reflected in our work for this show. I will be showing my collection of Everyday Saints and my endangered species animals in the Going Away Party. Plus I made a bunch of small paper clay milagros that will hang together, but be sold separately. And Stan and I have made a collaborative piece, combining his wood carving and my paper clay work.

The show hangs all of April and I promise it will be worth a look!

View our show on the Facebook page for Guardino Gallery, on their Instagram Feed at guardinogallery and at their website at https://www.guardinogallery.com which will include sizes and prices. Donna Guardino will be at the gallery from 11am-4pm Tuesday through Sunday and available for calls and emails: (503) 281-9048 gallery@guardinogallery.com. Donna is actually hanging the entire show in her gallery...so if you are walking by, you can view some of it from the street: 2939 NE Alberta St., Portland, OR. She might open by appointment only.

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Paper clay flicker, unpainted-painted.jpg

This was coming and is now postponed…stay tuned for future plans:


When I moved to Eugene in 1973, I went to Maude Kerns Art Center to see about taking some art classes. I was a young single mother and had no funds. They gave me a partial scholarship to take a watercolor class, and I became a volunteer there. It gave me an instant community of fun people interested in art. I was in heaven then and have been a member ever since.

The art center, being such an old building, always needs financial help with repairs and improvements to keep the place going. So I am doing a workshop where all proceeds will go to Maude Kerns to enhance the entrance of the gallery with some new banners.

Weekend Paper Clay Workshop "Friends of a Feather" A benefit for Maude Kerns Art Center June 6 & 7, 2020    

Create bas-relief artwork using air-dried paper clay on boards. Learn new methods of self-expression in this fun 2 day workshop.

Using Creative Paperclay®,  you will learn to sculpt relief forms onto boards and make free-form pieces on the first day. The second day will be devoted to carving and sanding the air-fried pieces, then finishing them with acrylic paint and medium. The result is a rich, textural, wood-carved effect that will leave people wondering how it was made. 

This class is ideal for all levels of skill from beginner to advanced. Paper clay is a flexible and forgiving medium that will stir your creativity. We will be working from bird images because they make a great and simple form to work from for learning the techniques. Choices of images will be provided.

12 hours of instruction includes paper clay sculpting and finishing, plus basic acrylic painting techniques. Clay for each participant will be donated by the Creative Paperclay® company and the paint will be provided by M.Graham & Co. A complete materials list will be available when registering for the class.

All proceeds for this special fundraiser will go toward enhancing the entrance to the gallery at Maude Kerns Art Center.

Saturday and Sunday, June 6 & 7, 10-4:30 pm each day, with 1/2 hour lunch break

At Maude Kerns Art Center, 1910 E 15th Ave, Eugene, OR 97403

$150.00 Members, 165.00 Non-members

Class size limited to 15 people.

New Year! New Work! New Show!

Hearts of Hope, 18” x 24”, Paper clay and mixed media on canvas. Available for purchase at Maude Kerns Art Center, Jan 10-Feb 7

Hearts of Hope, 18” x 24”, Paper clay and mixed media on canvas. Available for purchase at Maude Kerns Art Center, Jan 10-Feb 7

I have been taking time away from art making to enjoy the holidays and set my course for the year to come. I have been having a neck issue for the past year and am finally realizing I need to work less and change the way I work. I am looking forward to a new year with a new direction for art making!

On January 10, at Maude Kerns Art Center in Eugene, I am in a group show with 13 other artists from my women’s art group called Out of the Woodwork. I have been a member for the past couple of years and this is our first group show. I will be showing a collection of my Bodies of Work made with paper clay and other mixed media materials. Plus a large installation of 47 milagros I made of paper clay that will be sold separately. Join me at the reception, Jan. 10, 6-8pm.

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2020 Conversations back postcard.DIGI.jpg

September Workshop in Salt Lake City plus FREE Online Classes!


I am excited to announce that I will be teaching a fun paper clay workshop in Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 14 & 15 at The Pioneer Craft House. In this two-day class, we will focus on birds and cover all the fundamentals of working with paper clay in bas-relief on wood panels. I am exited to teach at this beautiful venue in this beautiful city! For more information go to:


The workshop in Salt Lake City will be the last workshop I will be teaching for an entire year. I have decided I need to get back to art making and try some new things that I have been thinking about. I love teaching, but I want to concentrate on my work in the coming year without planning workshops. This includes my annual workshop in Oaxaca, Mexico. Stay tuned for updates and future plans for workshops starting in September of 2020.


I will also be filming three FREE online classes with www.curiousmondo.com. In this special 3-part paper clay workshop, you will learn all about working with paper clay, from creating designs, to sculpting the clay in bas-relief, painting and finishing your piece, and adding collage materials with some of my mixed media techniques. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 16, 17, and 18, you can access these classes for FREE. If you miss the classes, you can purchase them to view at a later date and own access to this comprehensive, three-part paper clay workshop forever. The paid version will include extra projects, materials lists and bonus instructional footage. I promise it will be something special! Learn more about this workshop at https://www.curiousmondo.com/dimensional-art-paper-clay-free

Happy House Finch, 7” x 5”

Happy House Finch, 7” x 5”

Hiding Out, 24” x 18”

Hiding Out, 24” x 18”

Pink Peonies, 12” x 12”

Pink Peonies, 12” x 12”