Teaching Another Workshop in February!

Varied Thrush     8" x 8"   Paper Maché Clay on Canvas

Learn my paper mache clay technique by taking take my workshop at Clay Space in February. This 2-day workshop (Feb. 12-13) is 4 hours each day and you will leave with a finished piece. This is a really fun process that is good for all skill levels. Go to clayspaceonline.com for more information. Let's make art together!

Getting Ready for Another Show!

Hoarders    10" x 10"    Mixed Media on Canvas
It's the Second Annual Objects of Desire Show! Opening February 4, 2011, at Passionflower Design at 128 East Broadway in Eugene. The show runs from Feb. 4-28 and will include works by me and two of my favorite artists,  Beverly Soasey and Betsy Wolfston. We will be showing everything and anything we can cook up in an eclectic mix of our three styles.  This is a really fun and interesting show...so come and check it out!

Oregon Art Beat Segment

Lucky me...I was interviewed for a segment on Oregon Art Beat in fall of 2009...and it is now going to finally air on January 13! If you are not in Oregon, you will be able to see it online after it airs.

I am so grateful to KC Cowan for coming to my Portland show and she even bought one of my pieces! That's where she saw my work and asked me to be on the show. Had it not been for Onda Gallery, which has since gone out of business, I would have never made this connection. Thanks to Alan Oliver for giving me a chance.

Thanks to all of you who support local artists!

Friends of a Feather

Hi and thanks for checking out my blog. I have a show currently hanging at the Jacobs Gallery. It's called Small Pleasures. I have posted several images from that show on earlier posts. I am putting up the rest so my pals from out of town can see all of them. All ihe pieces in this show are birds made from paper clay with mixed media backgrounds.

Timid Towhee 6x6
Chilled Chickadee   6x6
Flicker of Hope   8x10

It's In Our Hands

This piece is part of my upcoming show at Jacob's Gallery opening December 10. As usual, I am calling attention to the plight of birds who struggle to live in our environment as we continue to destroy their habitat. Do them a favor...plant a crab apple tree.

Wise Guy

Owls are one of the oldest species of vertebrate animal in existence. Fossils have been found dating back 60 million years, showing the bird to have changed very little in that time.

Throughout the history of mankind, the owl has featured significantly in mythology and folklore. Owls are one of the few birds that have been found in prehistoric cave paintings.

I just hear on NPR that owls are now endangered in India because of Harry Potter! People are catching them and selling them as pets. Tragic!

"A wise man speaks because he has something to say.
A fool because he has to say something."      Plato

Seems relevant to facebook.

Something to Crow About

 Check out this AMAZING video about crows.  http://video.pbs.org/video/1621910826/

I am so inspired by the crow family that hangs around my house. They stick together and come to each other's aid when needed. Too bad for such a beautiful bird they don't have a prettier song.

Stay at Home Dad          Paper Clay/Mixed Media

The Scurge if Birdom

Starlings were brought to the US because Shakespeare glorified them and now they are everywhere and we will never be rid of them. They are interesting and somewhat handsome...but not to be trusted.

Dirty Birds

I have a bird bath outside my studio window and all the birds get in it and bathe. But not the robins. They look pretty good for such dirty birds.

Bird in Hand

Getting ready for some upcoming shows...
and have lots of birds in hand ; )

• Opening December 10, 2010 Small Pleasures, a multi-artist invitational at the Jacob's Gallery, Eugene

• Opening February 4- 29 - Objects of Desire, an annual show featuring 3 artists (Bev Soasey, Betsy Wolfston and me) at Passionflower Design, Eugene


Happy October!

I just visited my friend Peggy in Portland and she found this wonderful owl print that was silk screened on glass. I am working on birds right now. Lots of birds. They are all over my bird bath in the back yard and they inspire me. So they are really dinosaurs?

Another Mixed Media Workshop in April!

Because so many people wanted to take this workshop last time and couldn't...
I am teaching another Mixed Media Workshop at Clay Space here in Eugene, Oregon. It will be April 24-25 for two half-day sessions and I will be demonstrating my paper mache clay and collage techniques. We will complete a finished project. I love getting others inspired to make art! That is almost better than making it myself. For more information go to http://www.clayspaceonline.com/workshopslectures.html

Mixed Media Workshop this weekend!

I am teaching a Mixed Media Workshop this weekend at Clay Space here in Eugene, Oregon. I will be demonstrating my paper mache clay and collage techniques. We will hope to complete at least 2 finished projects. I love getting others inspired to make art! That is almost better than making it myself. The class is filled with some really creative people...and there might be a little space left...For more information go to http://www.clayspaceonline.com/workshopslectures.html

Show at Passionflower Design

Check out this eclectic show at Passionflower Design in Eugene! I am in this show with two of my favorite artists, Beverly Soasey and Betsy Wolfston. It hangs until the end of February...it's worth a peek!


I am posting the images from my latest show that is currently hanging at the Jacobs Gallery in Eugene, OR. It is in the Hult Center for the Performing Arts at 1 Eugene Center. There are 4 artists altogether and the show hangs until February 13. I am calling this group of work Growing. Once again I am combining plants, insects and birds with human forms in my never ending effort to bring attention to the fact that we are part of nature, not separate from it. If we took our lessons from nature, we would not be destroying the planet.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Sometimes It's Good to be Blue         Paper Clay on Board

Letting Go           Paper Clay on Board

Growing Into Yourself

The Illusion              Mixed Media 24x36

Being OK with Just Being
Mixed Media on Canvas 18x36

Trying to Remember
Acrylic on Canvas, 24x36

Portraits of Progress

Peace of Mind
Mixed Media on Canvas, 16x20

This Too Shall Pass
Mixed Media on Canvas, 16x20

Become What You Imagine
Acrylic on Canvas, 18x24

Releasing of Self Doubt 
Acrylic on Canvas, 18x24

Inside we are all the same

Hello! I am posting images from my show at Onda Gallery in Portland, OR, so that my friends and family from out of town can see the depth of my most recent insanity. Yes I have gone headless.

True Abundance, 15” x 27”
Paper clay and acrylic on board
True Happiness, 15” x 27”
Paper clay, colláge, and acrylic on board

Hard to Get Close to, 11” x 19”
Acrylic on board

Return on Investment, 11" x 19"
Acrylic painting with colláge on board

Scroll down through this post and all the other ones listed to the right and you will see most of what is hanging in my show in Portland at Onda Gallery.

Rogene Mañas

Inside we are all the same
September 24th through October 27th.
Onda Gallery
2215 NE Alberta Street
Portland, OR 97211



Wishful Thinking, 2.5 x 3.5
Acrylic on paper

Once a Month, 2.5 x 3.5
Acrylic on paper

Wild Flower, 2.5 x 3.5
Acrylic on paper