Bird in Hand

I was asked by a writer of a blog, Michael Taylor, to use my image with his latest essay on how treacherous Hollywood can be when trying to work your way up the ladder to having a real job in "the industry." I so appreciated being asked to use my image. I said yes, of course.

Then I googled the title to see if it showed up in Google Images. Sure enough, someone else had used it in their blog...and never asked permission. Not fair! But you know, if you post your work on the internet, off it goes. It's hard to monitor, police and control. The good thing about sites like Pinterest is that the image always links back to the original post. You just have to take the bad with the good...and there is a lot of good out there. Thank you Michael.

Michael Taylor's blog:

Bird in Hand          Mixed Media/Paper Clay      8x10  Sold

Bohemian Baby Boy

I was commissioned by my old friend, Sher, to do this painting for her daughter. More than 30 years ago, I did a similar painting for the same friend when she had her new baby boy. Now that her daughter had a baby boy, she wanted to celebrate them with this gift. 

Taking an image they had, I used their faces and pose, but added my own clothing, patterns and jewelry for the bohemian look they requested. What a beautiful girl and an adorable baby. What a wonderful gift from her mother. What a lucky artist I am to have been a part of it all.

A Painting for Briney      16 x 20       Acrylic on Canvas

Workshops at Collage in Portland

I am so excited to be teaching once again at Collage in Portland on NE Alberta Street. Not only is this one of my favorite shops in all of Portland, it has the most delightful classroom...and all the materials you could ever want!

I will be teaching 2 classes:

Everyday Saints: Torn Paper Collage Workshop
on Thursday, October 10, 10-3

Our Lady of the Struggle

Friends of a Feather: Paper Clay Workshop
on Friday, October 11, and Saturday, October 12 from 10-2 each day

Winter Wonder

Both classes are fast paced and packed with be ready to rumble!

For more information about both classes check this link to Collage:

The Opportunist (paper clay)

I let things dry and keep adding branches. Wet clay easily adheres to dry clay.

Now adding leaf buds one by one.

Finished with the paper clay part.

The I painted it black and removed the black paint from the surface. I am glad to see my idea of scribing extra lines in areas that are supposed to be dark worked like adding extra lines to an ink drawing. And so now I will add a couple layers of a paste wax and buff it to a nice warm glow. Then I can add it to my collection of animals from my urban jungle.

The Opportunist     Paper Clay on Board     24"x12"

The Opportunist: a paper clay process

I am not an animal artist. But lately I find myself wanting to create art using animal imagery. I went to Costa Rica this year and saw lots of their animals. I made me think of our own Oregon animals and how I take them for granted. So I am honoring them, one by one as they cross my path.

Today I struggle to capture this raccoon (The Opportunist) in paper clay. Stay tuned to see if it all works out...and wish me luck. I won't really know what I have until I paint it.

First I always sculpt the main image and let it dry.
Then I add the surroundings.

Always Busy (paper clay)

Everyday I can hardly wait to get going on the day. Sun up is a green light to me. I am excited to make the most of every day. Does that make me neurotic? I do yoga to pull in the reins a little. But the truth is, I like to be busy. I work hard at whatever I am working on. Work is play to me. So I am not sure what it means but I'm always busy 
and I like that.

Always Busy           9x12         Paper clay on board

The Cat in the Yard (paper clay)

There has been a cat in my yard for weeks. He passes through, checking my ground bird feeder. He stares at me through the bushes, into my studio window. It worried me that he might kill the birds that I stopped putting food out for a few days. He disappeared.  Now the birds are staring at me.
The Cat in the Yard   (detail) 18x24  Paper Clay on Board

More Paper Clay Workshops!

Another week of making art using Creative Paperclay®. Two days, 3 hours each day. We sculpt on the first day, and paint on the second day after it dries overnight. Each person's style is different and unique. Everyone has fun...especially me. No one ever finishes their work what you see are unfinished...but you can see the potential!

Nothing is more fun than making art with others...really.

Finished! Artwork by Meg Mitchell

Workshop in Minature Pointallism Painting

In this workshop, participants learn the subtle, systematic process of painting with dots and dashes using gouache on neutral gray paper. Because it is a slow, methodical process, it gives you time to try things and make adjustments. Since it is a "slow build"...Pointillism is more forgiving than most other forms of painting. You learn to mix colors, render form with color, and really "see" what you are painting. The result is that people surprise themselves with what they can do. 
It is my favorite class to teach.

Happy Campers
Finished! Painting by Suzanne Jackson

Finished! Painting by Jeanne Maasch
Finished! Painting by Annie Vrijmoet

Wonderful Workshop

Unfinished work from May 4-5 Paper Clay Workshop
It seems like whenever people come together to make art, life just gets a little better. And so it was with this week's workshop in my studio. Everyone did a great job and created some wonderful work. As always, time went by too quickly and all went home with things to finish. I am hoping I get images of their final pieces to post here. I love how everyone's style is different.

See my Calendar to the right for more workshop dates.

Not Ready for Prime Time

Hiding Out     18 x 24    Paper Clay/Mixed Media
I have been working on new pieces lately. Most are animals and birds taking refuge in thickets of brambles. Hiding out. I feel like I am regrouping myself...taking all the parts of me and realigning them into some new order. It is a time of invention, experimentation and hopefully, discovery.

For once, I am allowing things to unfold on their own. Not feeling like I need to "get" anywhere or "do" anything. Just making art and stacking it along the walls of my studio...not planning a show or filling a gallery. Just making art for the pure sake of expressing the feelings that arise or following a creative idea down a new path. What a luxury. I am so grateful for every opportunity to create...without having a gun to my head.

I am blessed.

What is Paper Clay?

I use an amazing product called Creative Paperclay®. I discovered it while visiting an artist friend who made folk art figures in Michigan more than 12 years ago. I was so excited to try it, I searched it out at a craft store and started making my own folk art pieces.

While working on figurines...I kept wondering if I could apply it to a board and sculpt it. Then my mother passed away from Alzheimer's Disease and I wanted to make a tribute to her. So I tried out my idea.

It worked like a charm. I will forever believe that my mother gave me the gift of discovering this technique...which would only be possible with this amazing clay. I have been making paper clay pieces and teaching workshops using the technique ever since.

There is a Paper Clay that is a ceramic clay and needs to be fired. This is not that clay.

Creative Paperclay is an air-dried clay, meaning it does not require baking or firing. It comes ready to use right out of the package, sticks to just about anything, sculpts like porcelain clay, does not shrink, can be sanded and carved after it dries, can be reconstituted with water, and is archival if finished properly. It is largely made from paper pulp and pumice with special binders. It is non-toxic and stays moist a long time if stored properly.

I know there are other brands out there...but this is by far the best I have found:

Creative Paperclay®
Below is the first piece I ever made using my bah relief technique. It is a portrait of my mother as a little girl. Thanks mom for this wonderful gift.

Little Bruna      Mixed Media/Paper Clay on Board    12 x 16 

Announcing Spring Workshops!


My art education includes everything from being self-taught, to studying at the University of Oregon, to taking dozens of workshops taught by professional artists. I have studied drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry making, pastel, colored pencil, assemblage, collage, print making, plus a myriad of other methods of art making, all the while working as an illustrator/graphic designer and heading my own international greeting card company. I have satiated myself with art making, and still I crave more. I try to make art everyday, in some way. Whether it is in my studio, in my garden, in my home or in my daily activities, art and creativity are central to my life.

As a teacher, I enjoy getting others into making art about as much as I like making art myself. I create workshops that help people experience success with their first attempts. I believe that when you have a positive experience, you feel confident and are encouraged to continue working at it. And when you work at it, you get better faster. So you keep making art and reaping the rewards that come from living within the joy of your own creativity. And in the process, I believe, you make the world a better place.

I was featured on Oregon Art Beat in 2011 for my unique style and mixed media methods:

General Information:  

The workshops that I have developed are a composite of techniques that I have learned over my 45 years of art making. Through education, practice and experimentation, I have found my own ways of expressing myself. My classes are a mix of beginners wanting to learn the basics to intermediate artists looking to add new techniques to their tool boxes. I even have professional artists from time to time who are looking to try something new. We all learn from each other because every person makes art in their own special way.

All workshops are held at my studio in Eugene and have a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 participants. I begin with a short demonstration and you begin working right away. So it is important to be on time. Each class includes a supply list that you will bring and a has a materials fee for items I provide.

  • Workshop fees are based upon the number of hours of instruction at 15.00/hour
  • Materials fee: $10 per student
  • Participants: Adults and teens 14+, a minimum of 2 people and maximum of 5 per workshop
  • Location: My studio near the U of O campus
  • Parking: My neighborhood is restricted to 2 hour parking, so cars must be moved every 2 hours on weekdays. We will take a break during this time.
  • To reserve your spot, please contact me at and send a $25 non-refundable deposit to the address above (sorry, checks only at this time).
  • Total fees are due the first day of class.
  • Supply lists and exact address will be sent upon request, or when you sign up for a workshop.
Workshop Schedule

Paper Clay Workshop
Friday and Saturday,
May 3 and 4 --10 am–1 pm
2 Day Workshop: 6 hours
(3 hours each day)/90.00
+ materials fee 10.00

Creative Paper Clay® is an air-dried clay that adheres to many surfaces. It has a consistency similar to porcelain clay, but does not require firing. On the first day, you will learn to sculpt in bah-relief using paper clay on a cradled panel. On the second day, after the clay dries, we will carve, sand, and finish the pieces with acrylic paint. Inspirational images will be provided.

Miniature Pointillism Painting Workshop
 Friday, May 10 --10 am–2 pm
1 Day Workshop: 4 hours/60.00
+ materials fee 10.00

Learn to paint in a very easy, simple and forgiving manner. Working in an impressionistic style from photographs, we will transfer an image to paper, mix colors, add shading and paint using gouache. You will surprise yourself with how well you can paint the very first time and make an image you will want to frame. Inspirational images will be provided. This class is for those who have always wanted to paint but never got the hang of it.

Paper Clay Workshop
Thursday and Friday,
May 16 and 17 --10 am–1 pm
2 Day Workshop: 6 hours
(3 hours each day)/90.00
+ materials fee 10.00

Creative Paper Clay® is an air-dried clay that adheres to many surfaces. It has a consistency similar to porcelain clay, but does not require firing. On the first day, you will learn to sculpt in bah-relief using paper clay on a cradled panel. On the second day, after the clay dries, we will carve, sand, and finish the pieces with acrylic paint. Inspirational images will be provided.

Torn Paper Collage Workshop
Friday, May 24 –10 am-2 pm
1 Day Workshop: 4 hours/60.00
+ materials fee 10.00

Create a wonderful painting using bits of paper and a few stokes of paint. Using colored tissue paper, recycled papers, wrapping paper and other materials, we will make textural paintings with layers of color. With low cost materials, and a little creativity, you will make a piece to be proud of. Inspirational images provided.

Black and White

With paper clay, making hatch marks and adding strokes for texture are a lot like drawing shading in pen and ink. The strokes of my clay tool become the shading of the work when the paint is wiped away from the surface.

I have always been drawn to black and white images. Especially vintage lithographs, etchings and engravings. So I try to find vintage images to work from to keep the feel of what I love in my work. They often have a somewhat "iconic" look because they were done from sketches and memory, before photography took over the recording of wildlife. They are nostalgic to me. I am so glad to be able to use them as inspiration.

I see a lot of black and white in my future.

Private Life     Paper Clay on Wood Panel      6" x 6"

Resolute     Paper Clay on Wood Panel      6" x 6"

Demo at the Duck Store

I will be at the U of O Bookstore (now called The Duck Store) demonstrating Paper Clay and other mixed media techniques on Thursday, Feb. 28, from 10 am until 4 pm. If you are in the neighborhood, drop by and say hi.

Below is the piece I was working on at my last demo there in the fall. 

Ferns Unfurling  12 x 16  Paper Clay

Letting Go, Again

Letting Go   11 x 14  Acrylic on Canvas
I recently completed this small painting for Sara Nye, a young woman who lost her wonderful mother only a few months ago. This is my 4th rendition of this image. I have done two in paper clay and one in mixed media. Each one was done on behalf of a wonderful person who left this earth. While working on each one, I felt a connection with the soul I was honoring.

I used to paint from reality. But then I became compelled to paint from within. It is not easy to envision what you want to do and then capture it. I struggle and question myself all the time. Why not just go back to painting still life, landscape and figures? It would be so much easier. So much more simple. And so much more marketable. But then I do a piece that helps heal a broken heart and I realize why I stay in the struggle.

May we all find rebirth in the stillness of our grief.

For my sister, whom I lost when I was 13        Mixed Media

The original, for my dear friend Thomas Rubick   Paper Clay

For my friend Marcia Vickers who lost her beautiful daughter     Paper Clay

Cigar Boxes

I made some treasure boxes for my grand kids for Christmas using wooden cigar boxes and Paper Clay. Celia got the butterfly, Peter got the grasshopper and Arrow got...well the Arrow. It's hard to make art for kids that they will appreciate. But tape money in a box...and just maybe they will keep the box long after they spend the money.

Time to Simplify

I am certainly not an abstract artist. But sometimes, I want to simplify things and just do large fields of color and texture. Here are a couple of large mixed media paintings that allowed me to play out my desires to simplify. But darned if they did not become landscapes! I think I need more abstract therapy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is one of my favorite holidays. It's not about buying stuff or giving's all about getting together with people you love and sharing a meal. Plus it is a time to reflect upon all that we can be grateful for. Making art has been such a joy in my life. In every stage of my life, it has been my passion and my best friend. It has afforded me a living, helping me raise 2 wonderful children and fuel a card business for more than 25 years. I have a lot to be thankful for. And art will always be at the center of it. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Paper Clay/Mixed Media Demonstration

Stop by the University of Oregon Bookstore on November 7 & 8 where i am doing demonstrations of my paper clay and other mixed media techniques. This is a great annual event. Several artists will be demonstrating their crafts and you get 25% off all art supplies. So come and say hi!

The Gift of Voice   Paper Clay on Canvas  12x16