I used to make art from the outside world, but now I enjoy making art from my inside world. I tell stories, express feelings and ideas, give a voice to my imagination.
18 x 24, Paper clay/mixed media on canvas, 2100.00
Bullets rain from the sky as she stands open to miracles. Her body is covered with milagros which are religious folk charms that are traditionally used for healing purposes and as votive offerings in Mexico, the southern United States, other areas of Latin America, and parts of the Iberian peninsula. We are so in need of a miracle to save us from our own destruction. Please.
Paper Clay and acrylic on canvas. 16 x 20, $2100.00
Can we ever find peace in the world if we do not first find peace in our own hearts? Lead the way.
Contact me if interested
18 x 24, Paper clay/mixed media on wood panel, 2100.00
Sometimes I wish I could just empty my head of the thoughts that buzz around and annoy me. I have done this image a few times now, and the thoughts are still there.
If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
Paper clay and acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24, 2100.00, SOLD
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be"
Lao Tsu, from the I Ching.
We all reach a point in our lives when we need to let go of something; our ideas of what we should be, our guilt, our shame, our anger, our regret, our pain and suffering, a body that no longer serves us.
24 x 36, Paper clay/mixed media on canvas, $3,000.
Every mother knows the burden of guilt. She carries it daily. Wherever she is, she worries about where she is not. Whatever she is doing, it is not enough. Each arrow lists a reason to feel guilty. What you cannot see are the arrows still flying towards her. This was done for a group show of self portraits. In the process of making this art, I unburdened myself of my lifelong guilt. Now it is captured here and I no longer need to carry it. What a relief.
Contact Me if interested
24 x 36, Paper clay/Mixed Media on Canvas, $3,000.
I believe women are the guardians of happiness. We make the world more kind, peaceful and compassionate.
"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." ~ Albert Einstein
If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
After the last election I was so depressed that I made this piece. I spent a month making the hearts and then created the body to hold them. The whole time I was focusing on the power of HOPE! The words in the background were from newspaper articles or from things happening in my life at the time. 18” x 24”, paper clay/mixed media. $2100.00 SOLD
Paper clay and acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24, 1800.00 SOLD
Print available, visit Shop.
She represents all that is beautiful about women. Their kindness, compassion, nurturing, creativity, sensuality, and love. I hope that future generations of women gain strength and find their power to move this world toward the peaceful and loving place it was meant to be.
18" x 36", Paper clay/Mixed Media on Canvas, 1800.00
Embedded in the clay are these words: “She holds the hope, that in this world of aggression, oppression, indifference, and greed, that one day women will awaken to their own strength and lead the world to a peaceful and happy life for all.”
This work is available for purchase in my studio. If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
Paper clay/mixed media on canvas, 12 x 24, 550.00 SOLD
In my process of emerging as an artist, I often find I am putting on a brave face to step out there and put my work on display. It is difficult. Ask any artist. And yet, that is our put it out there.
This work is available for purchase in my studio. If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
12 x 9, Paper clay/mixed media, 380.00 SOLD
Yes we all know the old adage of how a bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. A sure thing seems safe...but kind of boring.
This work is available for purchase at Guardino Gallery in Portland, OR. If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
Paper clay and acrylic on canvas, 9 x 12, $580.00
“It takes courage to love, but pain through love is the purifying fire which those who love generously know. We all know people who are so much afraid of pain that they shut themselves up like clams in a shell and, giving out nothing, receive nothing and therefore shrink until life is a mere living death.”
— Eleanor Roosevelt
If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
11 x 14, paper clay/mixed media on canvas, SOLD
How precious is the voice. How for granted we take it. Lose it and you suffer in silence. Find it and you find your place in the world. This is dedicated to the singers of the world who often live with pain and isolation so they can entertain night after night.
9 x 12, Paper clay/mixed media on canvas, SOLD
Some days we wake up on the dark side of the moon. So it is best to just say "No thank you" on those days.
18 x 14, Paper clay/mixed media on panel, 885.00 SOLD
To make it real, first we must imagine.
This work is available for purchase at Guardino Gallery in Portland, OR. If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
28 x 28, Paper clay/mixed media on wood panel, SOLD
You may not be able to read it, but her dress lists all her hopes and dreams for their future together. His suit is all numbers. She makes the dreams, he makes them come true. Everybody knows that.
12 x 16, Paper clay/Mixed media on Board, NFS
This was my first paper clay bas-relief piece. My mother, Bruna Marie Riccomini Manas had died from Alzheimer's disease. And I could not face the world. I spent the week after her death sitting in a chair that had belonged to my father (also deceased) and worked on this little tribute to her. I poured my feelings into it. I had never tried to use paper clay on a board before, so it was an experiment. And, as I believe, it was a gift from my mother to me.
I adore nature. It figures into nearly every piece I make. After going to Costa Rica and seeing their exotic, yet everyday animals, I decided to pay homage to the animals in my everyday life.
Each piece is made from paper clay on board or canvas, and finished with acrylic paint and medium. Some pieces include collage materials.
7" x 5" paper clay/mixed media on panel 160.00 SOLD
They are beautiful but annoying birds. When they are teaching their young to forage, there is lots of squawking and the racket goes on from dawn until dusk. UGH!
5x7 paper clay on wooden panel with acrylic paint SOLD
8x6, Paper clay and acrylic on panel, SOLD
The magical bird that rarely come out from hiding unless in pursuit of food. And even then, it is amazingly sneaky.
8x6, Paper clay and acrylic on panel, SOLD
Every year, when the crabapples are ripe, the robins don't eat them until the Cedar Waxwings show up and start gobbling them up and then the robins eat them too. It could be that they are territorial, but also, by then, the berries are fermenting and the birds get drunk. So it's kind of like a singles bar.
8" x 8", paper clay/mixed media 240.00 SOLD
10 x 10, Paper clay/mixed media, SOLD
I love to make up my own kind of birds and plants. I imagine this bird living in the desert and making its nest from dried brush in a cactus bush.
9x12, Paper clay/mixed media on canvas, SOLD
I imagine that when all the other birds have gone extinct, the crows will be one of the few to remain. They will eat anything, and can live most anywhere. They stay together as a family for years. They really have adapted to living among humans better than any other bird except maybe pigeons.
12 X 12, Paper clay/mixed media, SOLD
The fate of all animals is in the hands of humans. What a scary thought. Whether they exist or not is determined by our actions, or inactions. I hope we realize that we need to change our ways before we destroy this amazing Garden of Eden that we have been given by mother earth.
18x14, Paper clay/mixed media on panel, SOLD
You have to be fast if you are going to out run a cougar, or get much done in a day.
20 x 16, Paper clay/mixed media
Rabbits are adorable, but they are everyone's prey. Luckily they can hide in the blackberry vines and let the thorns keep out bigger animals.
Not really for sale but might let go of it. If interested: Contact Me
8x8, Paper clay/mixed media on panel, SOLD
I love birds and everything about them. What amazing creature to have developed wings. What great architects to be able to make nests with their beaks and bits of this and that. And to catch food and feed it to their young...teach them to fly...and then head south for hundreds of miles to escape the cold. Miraculous!
12 x 9, Paper clay/mixed media on canvas, SOLD
We have several families of quail living on our property on the river. They are so darling. Especially with their tiny babies running all in a row. Too bad they are everybody's lunch.
14 x 11, Paper clay/mixed media, SOLD
I love squirrel forms. Their tails are so expressive. I sometimes wonder if they know how beautiful their tails are. The way they flip them around like feather boa. Anyway, cute as they are, they are a menace in my bird feeder.
12 x 9 , Paper clay/mixed media, SOLD
I was inspired to make this Redwing Blackbird because of the bright red spot with the yellow strip on the caps of their wings. But then I couldn't make myself paint it. This is why you see so many black and white pieces. I like they way they look with no color.
6 x 6, Paper clay/mixed media, NFS
This bird is the scourge of the North American Bird Kingdom. It was brought from the motherland by the English to the United States because they liked them. Unfortunately Starlings are an invasive species that has overpopulated and driven out resident birds wherever they have decide to hang out. A real menace. But so beautiful.
6 x 6, Paper clay/mixed media, SOLD
The variety of birds that visit my bird feeder and birdbath are not many. But occasionally a Varied Thrush comes by to check things out and he gets my full attention. He's like a celebrity in my back yard.
9 x 9, Paper clay/mixed media , SOLD
It was a cold winter day when I saw a flicker at my window sitting in a bush thinking nobody could see him. He must have not been able to see me through the glass. What a stunning bird.
8 x 10 (10 x 13 framed), Paper clay/Mixed Media on board, SOLD
Yes, another squirrel. I just like them. Plus, whenever I sell something that I like, I always want to make another. So I imagine you will see more squirrels from me.
6x6, Paper clay and acrylic on wood panel
I often make up my own birds. It's not that I don't like to make REAL birds, it's just that sometimes I like to paint them however I like.
I don't usually do flowers, but last spring, I was stunned by the beauty of everything in bloom. Paper clay can look rather heavy by nature. But I developed a method of using transparent paints that allow for a lighter look.
Paper clay/mixed media on canvas12 x12
There is really no such thing.
This work may be out at a show. If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
Paper clay/Mixed Media, 12 x 12
My version...not botanically correct.
This work may be ouContact Met at a show. If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
Paper clay/Mixed media on panel, 12 x 12
Not botanically correct, of course.
20 x 16 Paper clay/mixed media on canvas
This is really not for sale but if you really like it, I might let go of it: Contact Me
12 x 12paper clay/mixed media on panel
12 x 12paper clay.mixed media on panel
Paper clay on panel, 5x7
These flowers signal late summer. And I eat them.
Paper clay and acrylic on panel. 5x7
Paper clay on wood panel 6x12
Such a fine delicate flower.
Paper clay on wood panel. 6x12
Prickly but perfect.
12 x 36paper clay/mixed media on canvas
Tall, slim, sunny.
Paper clay/mixed media on panel, 16 x 20
A floral jungle.
These paintings are all done with a variety of materials, but mostly torn paper or tissue paper and acrylic paints.
20 x 30 Mixed media: Paper, tissue paper, and acrylic paint on canvas SOLD
How I wish I could empty my head of the thoughts that won't stop swirling around inside. I practice yoga and mediation, but in the end, I am still me. Bzzzz.
12 x 24 Mixed media: Tissue paper, matte board, paper clay, string, acrylic paint on canvas.
This piece used to be a painting. Then I added thorns to the stems with twisted tissue paper. Then I added the mask to hide behind. Then I added the flower and butterflies to celebrate a new attitude. It went from being angry to sad, and finally to a joyful conclusion. Life is what you make of it. Imagine the worse or imagine the best. It's up to you and your imagination.
This work is part of an upcoming gallery show in September, 2016. If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
20x30 Mixed media: tissue paper, acrylic paint on canvas SOLD
She looks in the mirror and sees herself as a human, but really she is part of nature, not separate from or above it.
20 x 30 Mixed media: acrylic paint, medium and tissue paper on canvas SOLD
Memories have become harder to find, more illusive than ever. I hear there's a new test to see if you carry the Alzheimer's gene. And I am afraid to take it.
Mixed media on canvas 24x36 SOLD
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." Lao Tsu
16 x 20 Mixed media: tissue paper and acrylic paint on canvas
What if we were at such peace with the world that we could nurture other life forms instead of destroying them.
16 x 20Mixed media: Tissue paper and acrylic paint on panel NFS
She waits patiently for the day when she does not have to wait any longer. Always hoping that it will come sooner than late
18 x 8Mixed media: wood, metal, book paper, paper clay and tissue paper with acrylic paint on canvas.
Every artist must think from time to time, "I spend my days making art in isolation, a slave to my obsession, instead of living life. But that is what I want to do. So I must be crazy."
This work is part of an upcoming gallery show in September, 2016. If you are interested in purchasing this, send me a note using this link: Contact Me
Each one is 6x6 Mixed media: tissue paper, matte board and acrylic paint on panels SOLD
One of my best friends is a renowned astrologer who has helped me through every rough patch of my life. I did this in homage to her wonderful insights with gratitude.
Whenever life brings a challenge my way, I create my own saint to help me find a positive path to resolution. If I am feeling unmotivated, I create an icon to inspire me. If I worrying too much, I make a guardian to represent my gratitude. If my husband annoys me, I make an angel to remind me of patience.
These fine ladies are made from a variety of materials including paper clay, torn paper, and embossed metal foil.
Mixed media on canvas, 12 x16, SOLD
Sometimes you just need to get through it.
9x12, mixed media on canvas
9x12 Mixed Media on canvas
Available for purchase
Ok, I'm fed up. Our culture has been mistreating women for centuries. Especially women of color. But times are changing. And we're not taking it anymore. So get used to getting called out from now on perpetrators!
9x12 Mixed media on canvas
Available for Purchase
Resist and persist! Yes! Wake up and join the fight. It's time to speak up, get involved, lead by example, and be relentless in protecting our democracy, ethics and morals. We are in it to win it!
Oh Michelle Obama, how we love and adore you. Your grace under fire reminds us all that when they go low, we go high. Thank you for being our beacon of strength, light and love in these hard times. Yes we can! SOLD
As you can see by her face, she is definitely tired of waiting. It’s time for progress. For equal rights, equal pay, an end to wars, peace on earth, reversing climate change…the list goes on. It’s time for women to take the lead and steer this ship in the right direction. Until then, we wait for the wheels to turn and work toward the goal. But we don’t have to like it.
I need constant reminders to nurture myself. Which means eating right, exercising, going to bed early to get enough sleep, keeping my spirit fed and honoring myself when I am tired!
9x12 Mixed media on canvas
This fine lady is helping me remain optimistic in hard times. She brings me hope and comfort. She may be young and naive, but that is when we are most optimistic. She helps me not become jaded.
9x12 Mixed media on canvas
Available for Purchase
Think it over. Then think again.
Mixed media on canvas, 12 x 16
Available for Purchase
Paper clay/mixed media, 9 x 12
Blessed Frida, my hero. She inspires me to be true to myself and follow my passion. No more going along when I really don't want to!
12 x 14. Mixed Media/Paper Clay
Available for Purchase
Who knew that sleeping through the night would become such a precious commodity? If you are not waking up to expel the tea you drank, you are tossing around with unwanted thoughts into the wee hours. Especially the idea that lack of sleep can cause dementia. Lovely.
Available for Purchase
Mother Nature must be appalled at what’s coming.
Mixed Media. About 15 x 22, framed in a painted shadow box