It was like we had known each other for years. What a fun group. I have been blessed with fabulous fun loving students in all my workshops. Each willing to try something new and different from their normal art making practices. And I am always amazed at how quickly people catch on and make art that surprises them...and me!
Thank you to everyone for making this a fun workshop. A special thanks to those who drove from far away. To those who took my class for the second (and third) time. And to everyone for being kind, supportive, and helpful to each other. Honestly, what is more fun than getting together with like minded people to make art with each other in a nice art space?
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My creative class at Emerald Art Center, Fall 2016. Thank you to our wonderful volunteer helpers from EAC who set up the room, fed us with snacks all day, made great artwork themselves, and took pictures of the workshop for everyone. Grateful!